Monday, October 13, 2008


With the increasing quest for transporting large amonts of data at a fast speed along with
miniaturization,both electronics and photonics are facing limitations.Photonic components such as fibre-optic cables can carry a lot of data but are bulky compared to electronic circuits.Electronic components such as wires and transistors can be incredibly small but carry less data A problem holding back the progress of computing is that with mismatched capacities and sizes, the two technologies are hard to combine in a circuit. Researchers can cobble them together, but a single technology that has the capacity of photonics and the smallness of electronics would be the best bridge of allResearchers are pioneering such a technology called “plasmonics”. Plasmonics ,also called ‘light on a wire’ ,would allow transmission of data at optical frequencies along the surface of a tiny metallic wire ,despite the fact that the data travels in the form of electron density distributions rather than photons